Monday, 25 April 2011

Reflective Blog:

25th April 2011
Reflective Blog:

I have found this journey of the individual project very new as I have never done blogging and this was a great form of technology to help foster and challenge my own learning, and yes it was challenging at times but this gave me knew knowledge and ways to figure things out - and this gave me an understanding of how children might feel when they are introduced to new technology and to overcome obstacles.

This whole experience links to my own personal philosophy that I will encourage each child to strive for excellence, to encourage all aspects of the child – physical, emotional, social, creative, cognitive, cultural, and language skills. By having effective communication with parents, and work team I will build and maintain relationships with children and their families; through an environment which each child experiences the joy of learning and developing self-confidence and self-esteem. It is challenging to encourage and inspire children to learn, grow, think, and reason for themselves but I know these skills are necessary as they go on in life as competent, capable, confident learners.

For my own personal growth I found the blogs useful as I received several comments from my classmates. Anderson states that, “One of the key elements in professionalism is not just what you know, but how willing you are to share your knowledge and information” (Anderson, 2006, pg 52).
These proved insightful as the comments raised questions or ideas that I hadn’t previously thought of, in which I could integrate into practice, also by being able to put across my own ideas to my classmates and offer advice to them about their blogs, I felt empowered. This was due to the feeling that I was helping through contributing to there own learning and teaching. And as Smorti highlights, I too am “a learner, my ideas about technology are still developing, and I expect they will change as I continue to research and reflect on what is happening for educators and children as we explore technology in the early childhood curriculum” (1999, p. 9).
By reading other classmates blogs I was able to see the different technology they use in their own centres – and this gave me a greater understanding of what technology means to me and other people.
Even though my Individual project finishes here my extension of children’s learning will not. I will continue facilitating them in their interest and together the children and I will discover new technology and possibilities, to foster each other’s learning.


Anderson, M. P. (2006, January/February). Professionalism: The missing ingredient for excellence in the workplace [Electronic version]. Exchange,        49-54.

Smorti, S. (1999). Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, No.19 Autumn        1999, 5-10.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa

    Glad to hear that you have found this assignment useful and that you feel you will continue to foster children's learning about and through technology after the course is finished. Ultimately that's the real purpose of assignments; not just to measure the learning from a course, but to affect real development in your thinking and practice with children. Well done!
